1988 proto brass cowboy .JPG
1988 proto brass steer.JPG
1988 proto brass horse head.JPG
1981 American Type Whisky Rawhide
1991 proto American Classics bldg.JPG
1991 Wild West Western Attire .JPG
1992 proto Born Bad.JPG . Never produced high polish
1991 proto 1965 Mustang.JPG
1991 Civil War Detroit Bad Boys 2.JPG
1991 test sample Truck Series International.JPG
1991 Truck Series Kenworth HP.JPG
1991 Truck Series Peterbilt Blue.JPG
1991 Truck Series Peterbilt matte.JPG
1991 Truck series Freighliner never produced.JPG
1991 Truck Series Mack HP.JPG
1992 proto Knight Rebel.JPG Souvenir Truck Series
c1993 Zippo with a matte dark blue finish with prototype designs for the Zippo Souvenir Truck Series. It has the Black Classic truck image on the front and the outline in white of the "Born Bad" design from the same series
1992 proto Black Classic.JPG
1992 Souvenir Truck reverse Black Classic.JPG
1992 Souvenir Truck reverse Call of the Wild.JPG
1992 Souvenir Truck reverse Knight Rebel.JPG
1992 Souvenir Truck reverse Road Winder.JPG
1994 1954 Corvette yellow on gray.JPG
1990 1955 Cadillac blue on gray.JPG
1990 1957 BelAir red on brass .JPG
1993 1964 Pontiac GTO blue on black.JPG
1990 1964 Pontiac blue HP.JPG
1991 1967 Camaro red on brass.JPG
1991 1967 Camaro Yellow on HP.JPG
1991 1965 Mustang rev eng.JPG