This 1942 steel case Zippo hasline drawn Sports Series "Fisherman with Pipe" on one side, the initials "AML" on the back case and "JAO'C" on the lid. This is a rare Zippo
This 1941 Zippo, while not from the Sports Series, has a line drawing of "Kelsey The Clown" as a Keystone cop with a halo and trident of Saints & Sinners Circus
1940-41 Zippo with line drawn Sports Series "Golfer"
Line drawn Sports Series "Horse" on a 1940-41 Zippo. Also has the initials "LCB" on the lid
Line drawn Sports Series "Sail Fish" on a 1940-41 Zippo.
1937-41 Zippo line drawn Sports Series Dog
1946 Zippo withline drawn Sports Series' "Bucking Bronco"
1946 Zippo with a line drawn Sports Series "Bowler"
1947-49 line drawn Zippo Sport Series Skier
1946-47 Zippo with line drawn Sports Series' "Golfer"
1946-49 line drawn Zippo Fisherman
1946-47 Zippo with the line drawn Sports Series' "Bowler"
1946-47 Zippo with line drawn Sports Series' "Basketball Player"
1946-48 Zippo with a line-drawn golfer
1946-47 Zippo with a line-drawn sailboat for USPS, U.S. Power Squadron which promoted boating safety
1946-49 Zippo line drawn fisherman with pipe
1948-49 Zippo with a line drawn test sample of a "Football Player"
1947 Zippo Skeet Shooter with traces of blue and white original paint
1946-48 Zippo with line-drawn Sports Series' "Baseball Player". The home engraving on the reverse side reads "1st A.F. Softball Champions 1948"
1951 Zippo for the Finger Lakes League with a shooter wearing a cap