This Zippo with a Gulf Oil metallique logo and square case with lines is a very early 1935-36 major brand advertiser. The hinge is on the outside like all Zippos made until 1936
1936 Zippo with a Metallique logo for Sterling Gasoline, an early Pennsylvania gasoline and oil company which became part of Quaker State
1934 Metallique Zippo with the Texaco star
1937 Zippo with a metallique logo for Mobilgas. It has a graphic of a Pegasus, or flying Company of New York in 1911. Not shown is the obverse with the initials "EAVD"
1942 steel case Zippo with line-drawn advertising for the Union 76 chain of gas stations
1946-47 Zippo with color-filled line drawn Sunoco logo
1946 Zippo for Richfield with initials "JS" on reverse (not shown). Richfield Oil was founded in Southern California in 1905 and merged with Atlantic Refining in 1966 to become ARCO
Sinclair 1946-47 line-drawn Zippo with the Sinclair Gasoline logo. The letters in red "HC stand for "Houston Concentrate", Sinclair's popular super fuel introduced in 1926
1946 Zippo with a Mohawk Gasoline logo. Mohawk was an independent chain of gas stations in Canada before acquired by Husky in 1998.
Brass finish 1946-49 Zippo with a line-drawn Texaco "star" logo
1947 Zippo with attached badge advertising Casite "guarantees smooth performance quick starting
1949-51 Zippo with a BP (British Petroleum) Auto Care logo
1950 Zippo with attached Pegasus badge and non-factory engraved "Mobil Oil 1950"
1950 Zippo engraved with the ESSO logo and Imperial Oil Limited, a Canadian energy company
1950 Zippo for Texaco Academy, an internal employee training and eduction program for Texaco employees
Phillips 66 1951 Zippo with a Phillips 66 logo and "Irma Oil Company Gas-Fuels-Oil Irma Wis". Phillips 66 lubricants have been around since 1927
1951 Zippo for Caltex Aviation Products. Caltex began in 1936 as the California Texas Oil Company and today is part of Chevron. Caltex remains one of its major international brand names
This 1951 Shell Zippo was given as a
station cleanliness award in May, 1951
1952-53 Zippo engraved with the ESSO logo with wings.
1953 Zippo with the Casite Oil horse who "Guarantees smooth performance quick starting"
This is a full-leather covered 1952 Zippo with gold-leaf borders and "Zippo" engraved in gold on the bottom. It carries the "Union 76" logo. These leather Zippos were produced from 1949-54 and were available in "Genuine Hand Burnished Calfskin" or "Imported English Morocco"
1953 Zippo for Gulf Oil
1953 Zippo with graphic adverting Harry Bass Drilling Co of Dallas
This 1953 Zippo has an engraved Pegasus, the flying horse logo for Mobil Oil, advertising the Magnolia Pipe Line
Co of Dallas, Texas
1950's Canadian Zippo with an attached Shell Oil Company clamshell logo
1954 Zippo with an attached ESSO badge for the Bayonne Refinery, the world's first great petroleum processing plant which opened in 1877
1954-55 Zippo for Castrol Motor Oil
1954-55 Zippo for Cuban Kewanee Oil Company which operated with American oil companies to extract oil in Cuba until the revolution in 1959
1955 loss-proof Zippo with the image of an oil rig for Delwood Oil of Benton Illinois
1951 Zippo with a Conoco logo. Engraved for H.B. Taylor, Grand Prarie, Texas with an old style telephone number "ANdrew 1856"
1955 Zippo with a Phillips 66 logo and "Chicago Division Silver Anniversary 1955". Phillips 66 lubricants have been around since 1927
1955 Town & Country Zippo with the image of a Royal Triton oil can for Union Oil Company of California
1956 Zippo with hand painted Mobil Oil logo
1956 Zippo with the Mobil Pegasus flying horse logo
1957 Zippo with an attached Mobil "Pegasus" logo. The lid reads "Buffalo Refinery Safety Record June 1956-1957"
1957 Zippo with the Humble Oil & Refining Company logo
1957 Zippo for ESSO "Guardians of Safety Award"
1956 Zippo with the Mobil logo
1958 Zippo with the Union 76 logo. Today the logo has a red rather than orange background
1958 slim Town & Country Zippo with graphic of drilling rig for Cook Drilling Co, Ft. Forth, Texas
1959 Zippo with Texaco star
1960 Zippo for Marathon, the Ohio oil company with graphic of female runner.
1960 slim Zippo advertising ESSO and Humble Oil
1960 slim Zippo with the Texaco star
1961 Zippo with a graphic of a Wayne gas pump. The gasoline pump has evolved over the years, beginning in 1885 with the first kerosene pump manufactured in Fort Wayne, Indiana
Chevron slim 1961 slim Zippo with Chevron Supreme Gasoline attached badge and "California Oil Company" engraved
1963 Zippo with the logo of Cities Service. Started in 1911 it became CitGo in 1982
1963 Zippo with a graphic of a Wayne gas pump. The reverse has a schematic of the selection choices on the gas pump
1964 Zippo for Esso with the Esso Oil Drop Man saluting
1961 Zippo for "Performance Proven Skelly's Motor Oils" with graphics of cans of Kelly and Tagolene motor oil
1962 slim town & country Zippo advertising Phillips 66. Philprene and Philblack are used in the production of synthetic rubber
1962 slim Town & Country Zippo for Atlantic LP Gas, or liquified petroleum gas
1962 Zippo with a dinosaur on one side and Go Dino Winner Miami 1962 on the revers. Sinclair Oil is one of the oldest continuous names in the oil industry. The Sinclair dinosaur first appeared in 1930. “Dino” quickly became a marketing icon whose popularity with children – and educational value – remains to this day.
1964 Zippo with a graphic of an oil drilling rig adverting Cameron Drilling Co., Zanesville Ohio
1965 Zippo with a Conoco logo
1965 Zippo with the Marathon Oil logo
1965 Zippo with a Bardahl Oil Can. Bardahl is a brand of petroleum oil additives, lubricants and gasoline additives for motor vehicles and internal combustion engines made by Bardahl Manufacturing Corporation in Seattle, Washington
Standard Oil 1961 Zippo with a Standard logo and "You Expect More From STANDARD...And You Get It"
1965 Zippo with Union 76 logo
1966 Zippo for ODECO, or Ocean Drilling & Exploration Company, with a graphic of an offshore oil drilling rig
1966 Zippo with a CITGO Petroleum Corporation logo
1966 Zippo with images of offshore platform drilling rigs "The Texas Crude Fleet". The rigs depicted are Mr. Arthur, Mr. Gus, Little Bob and The Eagle
1967 slim Zippo with the Phillips 66 logo
1971 Zippo with Mobil Oil logo without the Pegasus
1972 Zippo for Red Adair Wild Well Control, Houston TX. Paul Neal "Red" Adair was a swashbuckling 20th-century hero, portrayed fittingly on screen by John Wayne, and he probably did more than any other person single-handedly to preserve the environment. An American oil well firefighter., he became notable as an innovator in the highly specialized and hazardous profession of extinguishing and capping oil well blowouts, both land-based and offshore
1967 Zippo with a nice graphic of a Gulf Oil truck advertising James H. Dumas, Distributor, Oak Grove, Louisiana
1972 Zippo with the Exxon Tiger. The Tiger became a major Exxon mascot in 1959 when the slogan "Put a Tiger in Your Tank" was born
1973 Zippo with Oil Drop and images of drilling rigs in the background
1973 Zippo for Valvoline Motor Oil
1974 Zippo with the Exxon logo. Exxon was the brand name of oil and natural resources company known as Standard Oil Company of New Jersey prior to 1972
1975 Zippo advertising an Exxon service station in Alexandria LA
1975 Zippo with logo of Wes-Tex Drilling Company, one of 31 Water Well Drilling & Service in Abilene, TX
1975 Zippo with the yellow and red Shell logo
1979 Zippo with a gas pump advertising J.W. Scott, Trenton NJ