1952-53 Friden Calculator.JPG
1956 GE Computer Department.JPG
1959 T&C GE Computer Dept.JPG
1958 Permacel Tapes.JPG
1966 IBM.JPG
1967 Itek Itek Corporation was a United States defense contractor that initially specialized in camera systems for spy satellites and various other reconnaissance systems.[1] In the early 1960s they built a conglomerate in a fashion similar to LTV or Litton, during which time they developed the first CAD system and explored optical disc technology
2000 Sun Microsystems.JPG Ziplight
1969 slim Univac.JPG
1974 slim IBM.JPG
1953 Zippo Sylvania Electric Products was a U.S. manufacturer of diverse electrical equipment, including at various times radio transceivers, vacuum tubes, semiconductors, and mainframe computers such as MOBIDIC. They were one of the companies involved in the development of the COBOL programming language